SPI Receive Block

SPI Receive

The SPI Receive Block reads 8 or 16 bit data from an SPI device. Currently each SPI bus can control one SPI peripheral each.


  • Sim Input - An array of bytes used for simulating data from a peripheral

Parameters (STM32)

  • Spi (default = SPI1): SPI device to transmit data on
  • Sck (default = PA5): Pin used for the SPI clock
  • Mosi (default = PA7): Pin used for master out, slave in
  • Miso (default = PA6): Pin used for master in, slave out
  • Cs (default = PA0): Pin used for Chip Select

Parameters (Linux)

  • Port (default = /dev/spidev0.0): SPI device
  • Cs Pin (default = 0): Pin used for Chip Select

Parameters (common)

  • Mode (default = 0): The configuration of the SPI device. These dictate the phase and polarity of the clock in relation to the data. See here for more details. Mode 0, 1 , 2, 3 have been implemented on Linux and STM32 devices.
  • Bit Order (default = "MSB First"): Determines the BIT order of the data. Most Significant Bit First and Least Significant Bit First are available.
  • Bits per Transfer (default = 8): Determines the number of bits that are written per transfer.
  • Read Fixed Bytes (default = 1): The number of bytes to read from the SPI bus, must be less than the buffer size of 256 bytes
  • Stale Age (default = 1000): Flag used to indicate the time before the buffer is marked stale, if so the "Is Valid" pin is low.